Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Letter to the Editor - Morning Star (awaiting publication)

Now is the time to consider the long-term future of the historic Coldstream Ranch. Aside from its aesthetic, agricultural and environmental values, its rich history makes it worthy to be considered as one of Canada's World Heritage Sites.

Parks Canada's mandate states: "we protect and present nationally significant examples of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure their ecological and commemorative integrity for present and future generations".

Coldstream Ranch is rich in all these values. If this property is seen as having a value to the community beyond farming then why not enlarge our scope to envision Coldstream Ranch as an international tourist destination? The site, as well as being a working ranch could include an interpretive center presenting the history, flora and fauna of the ranch.
Coldstream Ranch was purchased by Lord and Lady Aberdeen in 1891. Lord Aberdeen introduced the first commercial orchard in the Okanagan:
"it was obvious to all concerned that the value of the rich bottomlands for fruit farming was far greater than any value they might have for ranching". The End of an Era 1895-1905

Lord Aberdeen went on to become the Governor General of Canada in 1893 and held the position through the terms of Prime Ministers: Sir John Thompson, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Sir Charles Tupper and Sir Wilfred Laurier.

One can only imagine what Lord and Lady Aberdeen would think of a proposal to build a controversial project on prime agricultural land.

Katy Pace