Saturday, December 1, 2007
Complex Complains Grow - Morningstar - Nov 30th - Jennifer Smith
The district has received even more letters from residents opposed to the Aberdeen Road complex – 129 versus one letter in favour. These are in addition to the 277 letters in opposition and nine in favour received two weeks ago.
Yet Coldstream politicians are doing nothing more than receiving the letters for information.
Meanwhile several residents are calling on their mayor and councillors to provide more information, such as cost estimates, how the proposed and existing parks and fields will be maintained and just general clarity on the issue.
“People in Coldstream see the choice as between a complex or housing,” said Richard Enns, an opposing resident who says the choice is really between a complex or agricultural land. “The council, perhaps Coldstream, has failed to get the information out there. Without that clarity it’s going to divide the community.”
Resident Gyula Kiss also questioned why this facility is needed and how it will be maintained.
“We actually have a high number of sports fields,” he said, referring to Greater Vernon Services Committee’s parks inventory. “If you’re going to add more it’s going to be even less maintained because there’s going to be less money in the budget.”
Mayor Gary Corner did say that the need and search for fields have been issues for quite some time. He added that GVSC has long been consulting with sports and recreation groups about their current and future needs, which is how this proposed project has come about. “We’ve been looking for a piece of property for years now, certainly before my time on council.”
Coldstream and GVSC are reluctant to release definite costs for the project because details of what will be included still need to be finalized. Those details will be ironed out through a public input meeting after, and if, Coldstream residents and the Agricultural Land Commission allow a land use change.
Coldstream residents will vote on the issue during a referendum Dec. 15, where they will be asked if they support forwarding an application to the ALC for 118 acres to be used for non-farm use, for the purpose of sports fields.
If the project goes ahead, Coldstream’s portion of costs for the project would be 17.6 per cent.
Clarification of Status of Spicer Block

“The Commission notes that it has indicated to the District of Coldstream through the Official Community Plan process that it would consider the urban development of a PORTION of the Spicer Block upon consolidation of smaller lots owned by Coldstream Ranch into larger agricultural parcels. However, the Commission has not provided any support for, or outlined a framework by which it would consider the continued urbanization of the remaining Spicer Block.”
In order to protect the long term agricultural viability of the valley bottom from possible “hobby farm” development on the existing smaller parcels of the Coldstream Ranch, the Agricultural Land commission, the District of Coldstream and the Ranch have been engaged in discussions about the potential for consolidating the smaller lots.
Danger Zone in Coldstream

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Notice to residents of Coldstream
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Coldstream Councillor's Communication - Morningstar Nov 28th

Neither Mr. Rolke nor Ms Smith took the time to speak to me for the rational behind my statement. I would therefore like to present that rational here in the hope that my intentions are not misconstrued.
I ran for council on a platform of the need for planned development and preservation of ALR land within Coldstream. I did not choose this platform because I thought it the flavour of the day and that it would get me elected. I chose it because it is something I strongly believe in. It is also an issue that Coldstream residents strongly believe in. 88% of Coldstream survey respondents stated that preserving ALR land was one of their top three priorities. The other two were, "managing rapid population growth and preserving environmentally sensitive areas".
The present issue regarding the proposed sports complex on Aberdeen Road involves both planning and preserving ALR land. This is a complex issue that goes beyond just buying a piece of land for a park.
From a planning viewpoint, the thought that this land is better a sports complex than condos is flawed. The repercussions of the sports complex of the type shown in the original proposed plan will affect Coldstream development well beyond this parcel of land. It will affect the type and scale of development as well the physical direction development takes in the community, eastward. A mega sports complex will pave the way for the hotels, restaurants, stores and more parking lots surrounding the sports facility. A precedent will be set. Other landowners in the area will come forward for exclusion from the ALR and subdivision within the ALR. How do we tell them no? How do we protect ALR land in future if we allow a mega sports complex on more than 100 acres of prime agricultural land?
The land within the ALR is the backbone of Coldstream. It is an economic generator for our area and provides Coldstream with great opportunities other than just being a cheap land bank for development. This land will become increasingly important as the world comes to grips with issues of food security due to fuel costs and climate change. Paving over the best agricultural land will not serve us well over the long term.
I believe we can find alternatives to this site for a sports complex that would minimize the impact on agricultural land. Not enough effort has been made to look for such alternatives. Grahame Park at Fulton School could be used as a site for a football stadium. School sites should be identified for partnerships between GVS parks and the school board for improvement and new facilities. Schools are where children actually participate in sports.
I stand behind my principles and my original platform. I made my reasons for running for office known. I believe it is the reason people elected me. I am not going to change my stance to provide what I consider to be a "want" rather than a "need". I will campaign for the NO vote. If the vote goes the other way by a convincing majority of the Coldstream electorate then I will accept the vote, continue to represent the public and the public input process to the end of my term. I would not however spend time, energy and money to run in the next election. I would not be the right "player" to represent the community in what I would see as damage control of "urban sprawl". I do not see myself as the kid taking my ball and going home, but rather the coach that has been asked to find another job because I do not fit the team’s vision.
Jim Garlick
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Concerned Area Residents Question the Aberdeen Sports Complex Vision
"Ambleside Park is drastically different than the proposal for a stadium and multiple playing fields being put forth for the Aberdeen property", commented Penny Thorlakson. "The majority of Ambleside Park is devoted to beach front access and a seawall walkway. There are a few sports fields, but no permanent structures such as stadiums or bleachers. The park is located in a large metropolitan area and not in a rural community."
"It is also important to note that the sports field portion of the West Vancouver Park is built on a marshy area where people used to dump refuse", said Gyula Kiss. "They didn't build on high quality soil, like the Aberdeen land. This is a far cry from ripping out land, which can support a wide variety of crops out of the Agricultural Land Reserve to build a sports complex."
"Once large quantities of sand and rock are placed on the Aberdeen land to prepare it for sports fields, the farm land will be lost forever" continued Maria Besso-Ockert. "The changing of the land to non farm use status also then opens up the possibility of housing. Note that the 160 unit Coldstream Meadows development is on ALR non farm use land"
Aside from agricultural issues, some residents are also concerned with the misperception about the proposed complex. "We constantly hear that this park is for the kids, but a solution truly geared to kids would be placing sports fields closer to neighborhoods, and not centralizing all sports in one mega site way out of town" commented Joanne Osborn. She feels that the proposed development is being sold as a park, but in reality it is development geared towards Funtastic and sports tourism.
"The vision unveiled by the Greater Vernon Outdoor Sports User Group this summer was not for a park, but for multiple playing fields, a stadium, and 1,000 parking spaces. Walking trails were mentioned in the press, but this was for a completely different location along the Grey Canal parallel to Buchanan Road. GVSC bundled the Aberdeen and Grey Canal proposals together, but Coldstream Council separated the proposals at the September meeting and passed the Grey Canal concept." Osborn believes that the current press release from the Sports User Group is now just claiming to include family friendly structures for picnicking and non-sport leisure activities at the Aberdeen development to ease public concern.
Many residents, like Denice Berlinski, are also concerned that there hasn't been a professional independent review for the needs of the user groups. "Mayor Gary Corner and some sporting groups pushed this issue to the forefront without any concern for the Coldstream community plan", said Denice Berlinski. She goes on to point out that the Greater Vernon Services Master Parks Plan states that there is a very high field to person ratio in Vernon when compared to other B.C. communities. "Coldstream has 18% of the population and 27% of the sports fields, not counting Coldstream's resources for lacrosse, ball hockey, skateboarding, beach volleyball and tennis."
However, if user groups still feel the need to build more fields, many Coldstream residents question why the proposed rubber track cannot be added to the future site of Vernon Secondary, similar to the site at Penticton Secondary, or that a football stadium can't be built as a stand alone structure/field, and that current sporting and school fields be upgraded. "We don't believe that all avenues have been seriously exhausted. Greater Vernon Services and the Greater Vernon Outdoor Sports Group want a monstrous complex for tournaments and are putting out the notion that this is our only option and chance to have better sports fields. It's not," added Patrick Tymkiw, a concerned Coldstream resident.
Coldstream residents head to the polls on December 15th to vote on whether or not to send an application to the Agriculture Land Commission for non-farm use on the property.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
GVSC can’t avoid issue -- Nov 25 Editorial
After the committee filed a letter about the proposed Aberdeen Road sports complex, Corner said, “The problem we have is this really isn’t a GVSC issue right now.”
Not a GVSC issue right now?
Isn’t it the committee that has offered to purchase the land from Coldstream Ranch? And isn’t it GVSC seeking a land use change from the Agricultural Land Commission?
It should also be pointed out that the District of Coldstream is only considering a referral to the ALC because it has been asked to – once again by GVSC.
It’s increasingly obvious there’s a significant need for additional sports facilities and the Aberdeen Road site is a suitable location because of its proximity to existing Coldstream and Vernon neighbourhoods.*
But that said, why is GVSC hiding from very legitimate questions about the proposal? As an example, the letter filed by the board dealt with overall costs and alternate sites.
And these questions will continue to persist unless GVSC politicians and staff deal with them head-on. With full information out there – including about the complex design – perhaps public support would grow.
Being transparent would also counter some of the misinformation coming from opposition forces.
In the end, GVSC initiated the entire sports complex process and it’s time to do the right thing and take ownership for the issue.
"Baseball/softball:*Basically, the Editorial is excellent. However, I take exception to the statement: "It’s increasingly obvious there’s a significant need for additional sports facilities".
Why is it that nobody reads the Master Parks Plan? Before such statement is made you should read that plan for which we spent good dollars. To ease your workload, here are some important excerpts:
"Vernon has a softball diamond supply of 1/2,116 population, a very high supply. The baseball Diamond supply is 1/5,080 population. This is also a large number of fields for the size of the Community. An analysis was conducted of field use in relation to capacity. Using a conservative Estimate of capacity (Monday to Saturday week, Saturday based on 9 to 3 PM only, 2 hour blocks for Ball games, one block per weekday evening for fields without lights, 2 blocks for fields with lights), the Field use in relation to capacity is 55% for school fields, and 75% for fields in parks.
Soccer etc:
"Vernon has a total of 51 sports fields. These are used primarily for soccer, but other uses include football, rugby, field lacrosse, track and field, fly fishing practice, grass volleyball, Special Olympics, and ultimate (Frisbee). The following is a summary of the supply of sports 40...
Vernon has a sports field supply of 1/996 population. This is a very high standard of supply. An analysis was conducted of field use in relation to capacity. Using a conservative estimate of capacity (Monday to Saturday week, Saturday based on 9 to 3 PM only, 1½ hr blocks for soccer, one block per weekday evening), the field use in relation to capacity is 43% for school fields, and 73% for fields in Parks.
The North Okanagan Youth Soccer Association (NOYSA) is the primary user of sports fields. With about 2000 members in the 2003 season, membership is stable and their season of use is April to November. The NOYSA uses all park and school fields except ones that are in poor condition. They host 3 tournaments per year. There are also men’s and women’s soccer leagues in the community. There are several important trends occurring in soccer. One is a move towards artificial turf, which can sustain much higher levels of play year-round, and many B.C. Communities now have or are developing such fields. Another is indoor artificial turf practice facilities, e.G., Western Indoor Soccer, Burnaby. These are very popular for training. The third factor is the hiring of full time soccer development coordinators to improve the sport. These factors are leading to a more active soccer community and worn, over-utilized fields.
The other groups that use sports fields include: senior men's’ rugby, minor football, high school football, field lacrosse, track and field, fly fishing practice, grass volleyball, Special Olympics, and ultimate (Frisbee). Ultimate is a relatively new activity. With just over 50 regular members in the Greater Vernon area, the league hosted a major weekend tournament in recent years, and also hosts several smaller tournaments annually." page 41.
Unless you can contradict those figures presented by the Consultant you are publishing false information and deceiving the public. Please retract those falsehoods!
Councillor comes Under Fire

That is the advice of Councillor Williams to those upset by the potential negative effects of the sports complex. So all those residents presently residing around the Spicer Block, all those present and future residents of the new development across the road take note. If you don't like music festivals, huge sports events with the accompanying noise and traffic you better move out of Coldstream.
Open Letter to Mrs. Malerby
Mrs. Malerby:
I am very disappointed to find that you are so easily swayed. As a retired teacher, I've dealt with many principals over the years who all tell student bodies (secondary schools) that petitions are a very ineffective method of process, simply because they are so open to misuse and misrepresentation.
Can you assure me--beyond question--that the 600+ names on that petition are all Coldstream taxpayers? Are some of them not possibly youngsters well below the age of voting, or paying taxes? Might some of them be from unorganized jurisdictions? Who collected the names? The only petition on the subject of which I was aware (I am a Coldstream taxpayer) was online via Greater Vernon Sports, and on reading it, I found no restriction on signers to be Coldstream taxpayers.
A second point is that the question now goes to referendum. Excuse me--do Coldstream taxpayers need to foot the bill for a referendum (and, for the sake of interest, how much does that cost?) giving direction as to whether or not to send an application in to a Commission that has, in the past, stated concretely that agricultural land is to be retained? Has anyone thought to query the ALC as to where they stand on this question, before getting involved with referenda and such? Has anyone thought to inform the ALC that, in dealing with this question, they will be embroiling themselves in local politics?
My husband and I voted for you in the last election. Should you choose to run again, you most definitely will not secure our votes another time.
by Cathryn Brown