In the Sunday October 28 Morning Star another possible location for the proposed sports complex was revealed to the public. Mr. Corner himself is quoted as saying that 50 acres of this 78 acre site along Highway 97 is usable. Although he was being negative and offering this information as an excuse for ignoring this site, it is anything but.
You see, the original plan proposed for the Aberdeen Road site occupied 60 acres, however, when Mr. McNiven made his presentation at the Sept. 11 Coldstream Council meeting, he said that the parking would be downsized from 1,000 spaces to 500 and the banquet hall facility dropped, as these items as originally drawn were not necessary. With these two changes made to the plan, it should fit quite nicely onto 50 acres.
This site is only marginal agricultural land, it is not productive, ½ has already been removed from the ALR, and there are no nearby neighbours. Perhaps some of the land that’s not usable for sports fields could even be developed into something for the general public. Wow, something for everyone, with known costs, and it’s not being shoved down anyone’s throat. The sports user groups get the playing fields they want and we preserve the agricultural land and rural lifestyle in Coldstream. Everyone wins; it just doesn’t get any better than that.
Thank God we have private citizens in our community who are willing to spend considerable amounts of their own time and effort to find out about, and then let us all know about other possibilities such as this. Again I challenge Mr. Corner and the other members of the GVSC to let us all know the true facts regarding this sports complex, not just the bits and pieces that suit their desired outcome.
by Denice Berlinski