On Funtastic’s web site they state their mission as: “Funtastic envisions building 6 more ball fields to replace aging fields at Kin Race Track and compliment fields that are located on leased land at DND. The 6-8 fields would be part of a bigger field complex that would be a multi sport facility with permanent facilities (including larger washrooms, concessions, a building for officials and organizers, covered grandstands, dugouts, covered stage and clearly laid out parking). This is almost the identical list proposed by GVS for the Aberdeen sports complex. The new facility would become the ideal location to host tournaments (lists different ones) and outdoor events (including music performances, plays and outdoor festivals).”
Note the GVS application proposes 6 new slo-pitch / fastball fields. GVS stats show that these sports are used almost exclusively for adults. The connection to Funtastic is clear. They need more fields to host an even bigger tournament. The actual GVS application states, “The Group (Funtastic) hopes to build Funtastic Place in Vernon, a major slo-pitch tournament facility” (page 60 GVS application). This vision is what rings true with this application – not a community park where people can have whatever they want.
Excerpt from Andy Danyliu, president of the Coldstream Rate Payers Association regarding this question:
The tax payers of Greater Vernon have searched the minutes of GVSC meetings to try to help us find out why GVSC would want to commit tens of millions of tax dollars to purchasing farm land in Coldstream to build a "Sports Complex" when their own consultants report stated there were more than enough playing fields already in their inventory.
The probable answer comes in the form of minutes from a 2005 meeting held in May where GVSC agree to "partner" with Funtastic to acquire a stadium and other facilities to further the "Funtastic' music festival and Slo pitch tournament events.
Gary Corner chairman of GVSC was forced by the Agricultural Land Commission to present the commission with an endorsement from Coldstream Council to convert 118 acres of farmland into a "Sports Complex" before the commission would consider GVSC's request. The citizens of Coldstream and Greater Vernon were unaware that Corner and the GVSC had a year earlier tried to push this proposal through the ALC.
The GVSC thought they could push through their request for removal and or change of use of 118 acres of prime agricultural land without any input from the tax payers who would eventually foot the bill.
When the Council of Coldstream permitted public input the Funtastic spokes persons argued that their activities would bring millions of "sports tourist dollars" into their coffers which they in turn would contribute back into the community through more sports fields. Plans reluctantly presented by GVSC showed a mega stadium, giant parking lots and other convention style facilities.
When it became obvious even to hard core tourist dollar developers that the people of Coldstream were not going to accept the mega sports complex it evolved into green parks space being touted by amateur sports coaches with the "Funtastic reps" taking a back seat in the debate.
The CRA as do most informed residents of greater Vernon remain convinced that the 118 acres of prime agricultural lands will become the "partnership" site for future "Funtastic Place" slo pitch tournaments, special events and music festivals and evolve into the giant entertainment center that the economic development, through sports tourism backers in the GVSC, have always desired.
The GVSC must repudiate the notion that this space will become "Soft Ball City" and detail the exact proposals and accompanying costs and reveal any attendant partners they have waiting in the wings.
When people are asked to spend thousands of dollars to vote and not given precise facts for voting, no one is served!
Andy Danyliu
Pres. CRA
Jason Gilbert, Executive Director of Funtastic was quoted as saying, “Everybody wants the best for the community it would just be nice if everyone worked together”. (Morning Star, Nov. 9th, page A3). If Funtastic, VOSC and GVS really want what is best for the community and want to work together, why not ask the general public what they want first, then draw up a plan, then find the appropriate land and then go to referendum? Given the opposition and the suggestion that there are scaled down plans and revised drawings, why not pull the original application, make the modifications, put a proposed price tag on the project, sell it to the public and then submit it to Coldstream for approval? Instead they have pushed through a proposal that is not about the general community but about the sports community, a little bit about kids but primarily adults and not about local needs but sports tourism opportunities.
Finally, have we forgotten to ask what the vision for the Coldstream is? Jason Gilbert, executive director of Funtastic said, “I truly believe that the Coldstream residents want this to Happen” (Morning Star, Oct. 12,). The Funtastic web site says, “the number one issue for the citizens is having more green space.” Wrong. According to the last Coldstream referendum 88% of the respondents stated that preserving ALR agricultural land was one of their top three priorities. The other two were, managing rapid population growth and preserving environmentally sensitive areas (Coldstream OCP Pg.5). This proposal brings to mind all three of these priorities. There is an environmentally sensitive water course through this property. This is one of the best and largest pieces of ALR farm use land in BC and planning or managing rapid population growth is at issue.
If Coldstream residents still hold to these three priorities the outcome at the upcoming referendum will be a resounding NO.
Press Release Contact: Terri Jones, spokesperson for the Greater Vernon Advocates Committee. 545-6405 home. 550-0338 Cell phone.
Note the GVS application proposes 6 new slo-pitch / fastball fields. GVS stats show that these sports are used almost exclusively for adults. The connection to Funtastic is clear. They need more fields to host an even bigger tournament. The actual GVS application states, “The Group (Funtastic) hopes to build Funtastic Place in Vernon, a major slo-pitch tournament facility” (page 60 GVS application). This vision is what rings true with this application – not a community park where people can have whatever they want.
Excerpt from Andy Danyliu, president of the Coldstream Rate Payers Association regarding this question:
The tax payers of Greater Vernon have searched the minutes of GVSC meetings to try to help us find out why GVSC would want to commit tens of millions of tax dollars to purchasing farm land in Coldstream to build a "Sports Complex" when their own consultants report stated there were more than enough playing fields already in their inventory.
The probable answer comes in the form of minutes from a 2005 meeting held in May where GVSC agree to "partner" with Funtastic to acquire a stadium and other facilities to further the "Funtastic' music festival and Slo pitch tournament events.
Gary Corner chairman of GVSC was forced by the Agricultural Land Commission to present the commission with an endorsement from Coldstream Council to convert 118 acres of farmland into a "Sports Complex" before the commission would consider GVSC's request. The citizens of Coldstream and Greater Vernon were unaware that Corner and the GVSC had a year earlier tried to push this proposal through the ALC.
The GVSC thought they could push through their request for removal and or change of use of 118 acres of prime agricultural land without any input from the tax payers who would eventually foot the bill.
When the Council of Coldstream permitted public input the Funtastic spokes persons argued that their activities would bring millions of "sports tourist dollars" into their coffers which they in turn would contribute back into the community through more sports fields. Plans reluctantly presented by GVSC showed a mega stadium, giant parking lots and other convention style facilities.
When it became obvious even to hard core tourist dollar developers that the people of Coldstream were not going to accept the mega sports complex it evolved into green parks space being touted by amateur sports coaches with the "Funtastic reps" taking a back seat in the debate.
The CRA as do most informed residents of greater Vernon remain convinced that the 118 acres of prime agricultural lands will become the "partnership" site for future "Funtastic Place" slo pitch tournaments, special events and music festivals and evolve into the giant entertainment center that the economic development, through sports tourism backers in the GVSC, have always desired.
The GVSC must repudiate the notion that this space will become "Soft Ball City" and detail the exact proposals and accompanying costs and reveal any attendant partners they have waiting in the wings.
When people are asked to spend thousands of dollars to vote and not given precise facts for voting, no one is served!
Andy Danyliu
Pres. CRA
Jason Gilbert, Executive Director of Funtastic was quoted as saying, “Everybody wants the best for the community it would just be nice if everyone worked together”. (Morning Star, Nov. 9th, page A3). If Funtastic, VOSC and GVS really want what is best for the community and want to work together, why not ask the general public what they want first, then draw up a plan, then find the appropriate land and then go to referendum? Given the opposition and the suggestion that there are scaled down plans and revised drawings, why not pull the original application, make the modifications, put a proposed price tag on the project, sell it to the public and then submit it to Coldstream for approval? Instead they have pushed through a proposal that is not about the general community but about the sports community, a little bit about kids but primarily adults and not about local needs but sports tourism opportunities.
Finally, have we forgotten to ask what the vision for the Coldstream is? Jason Gilbert, executive director of Funtastic said, “I truly believe that the Coldstream residents want this to Happen” (Morning Star, Oct. 12,). The Funtastic web site says, “the number one issue for the citizens is having more green space.” Wrong. According to the last Coldstream referendum 88% of the respondents stated that preserving ALR agricultural land was one of their top three priorities. The other two were, managing rapid population growth and preserving environmentally sensitive areas (Coldstream OCP Pg.5). This proposal brings to mind all three of these priorities. There is an environmentally sensitive water course through this property. This is one of the best and largest pieces of ALR farm use land in BC and planning or managing rapid population growth is at issue.
If Coldstream residents still hold to these three priorities the outcome at the upcoming referendum will be a resounding NO.
Press Release Contact: Terri Jones, spokesperson for the Greater Vernon Advocates Committee. 545-6405 home. 550-0338 Cell phone.