There are 6,556 outdoor sports users according to the Greater Vernon Field user survey.(Page 66 of GVS application) 3,340 of them are adults (2200 of which are for softball, 700 for soccer): 3216 are youth of which 2000 of them are for soccer.
They have included 200 youth for gymnastics. This is a bit of a stretch. Gymnastics by definition is usually performed in a gym.
Al McNiven is quoted as stating that the Slo-Pitch fields are for adult use. That is 6/15 fields or 40% of the proposed complex admittedly purely for adult use.
The baseball fields may indeed be designated for use by children, but that is only 2/15 playing fields on the plan for the proposed complex, and we already have 10 baseball diamonds (Master Parks Plan pg. 25) and only 400 youth involved in the sport (Greater Vernon Field User Survey). Participation in minor Baseball is decreasing (Master Parks Plan pg. 25). 10 Baseball Diamonds have a capacity for each of the 400 youth to play 3.6 times per week. (2 teams X 9 players X 10 fields X 8 uses).
Most school track and field teams practice at the school grounds and use the official track once or twice per year for track meets. There are only 25 youth involved with the Track and Field organization listed on the Greater Vernon Field User Survey.
The track at Polson Park is still there and could easily be refurbished at a lot less cost than building this Mega Sports Complex, or a new track could easily be incorporated at the Vernon High School field when the school is rebuilt.
As for soccer, the fields on the proposed plan are full regulation size fields not youth fields. We already have 35 youth soccer fields (Master Parks Plan) 11 of these fields or 31% are in Coldstream, and as a matter of fact, the only non-school facility counted is Creekside Park in Coldstream. These 35 fields have a capacity for each of the 2,223 youth soccer players to play 3.15 times per week. In fact 5 year olds only play/practice once per week and from age 6 up to at least age 10, they only play/practice twice per week. It is very worth noting that the number 35 as reported in the Parks Master Plan do not include DND, Marshall Field or the fields in Lavington. It is also worth noting that a Parks Amenities listing received from GVSC as back-up for the numbers published in the Master Plan shows that we actually have 48 youth soccer fields.
It is likely that there will be more adult soccer played at the new complex than youth soccer, especially in the evenings as is the case with the other lit fields.
The dog agility park is for adults. That is 4 of the 14 fields. Rugby is for adults. Ultimate is for adults. The proposal lists two of the fields are to include Rugby and one of the two is also for Ultimate.
The Banquet Hall and Stadium are lists as resources for special events, musical festivals, weddings, etc. It is likely both of these resources will be used primarily for adult events.
The Greater Vernon Advocates Committee believes the proposed new complex will cater primarily to adult sports and functions.