Food Security is an issue that is of great importance but unfortunately seems to be off the radar screen for most citizens of the affluent West. We assume that we have access to ample food sources and we can’t imagine our own future regarding food scarcity. We are all aware of the regions of the world with famine (which is often not environmentally caused but due to political situations.) Guess what, folks. We are not immune to food scarcity or higher prices due to availability or higher transportation costs.
We are entering an era known as “Peak Oil”. What does this have to do with ‘parks’ or ALR lands? Plenty. While some short-sighted politicians may see ‘green parks’ as a positive ‘green’ or environmental bonus to the citizens of Vernon/Coldstream, this is a farce. I think we can all agree that food security is a higher priority than playing fields (and 1000 parking spaces) for our children and future generations. Let’s not get distracted by cunning politicians’ ‘green’ language or sports tourism promoters signs.
The FAO (the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization) wants us to focus on what they refer to as “Self Reliance” and “Local Agriculture”. What a concept! This isn’t far-fetched science fiction. Senior researchers at the National Research Institute on Food and Nutrition in the U.S. warn that the U.S. would have to reduce its population by 100 million immediately in order to become self sufficient in food crops. Can we assume that our food from China, the U.S., South America, the Caribbean , etc. will always be available and at prices that we can afford? We all like parks, but food security for future generations is of greater importance. Please consider how you may vote on Dec. 15th and really think about the big picture and how future generations may look upon this decision.
Yours truly, P.E. Szeliga.